eu·lo·gy [yoo-luh-jee]
noun, plural eu·lo·gies.
1. a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially a set oration in honor.
2. high praise or commendation.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Whatta B-E-A-utiful day to be alive! Wowzers, I woke up with joy today! And you wanna know what is super cool? I've been thinking about God none stop lately. I'm kind of obsessed with Him, I've just been constantly talking to Him and just in a cloud of thoughts about Him. Ah it's so cool. I'm pretty sure that if a non-bleliever comes across my blog and reads this they will think I'm crazy and wierd.. and I might be haha but I'm crazy in love with God. And feel free to ask me questions about God. I want everyone to have this feeling! I've been thinking about God's love a lot and how much He loves us. Not because of all the good or bad things we have done or not done, but simply because we are His child. He loves us unconditionally. Even the most messed up serial killer, He LOVES them more than you can imagine. Ughhh that's just unthinkable to me, I WANT to love like that. God is constantly blowing my mind, and I don't just say that like litterally He does. Haha sometimes I just sit in class and I look at someone and think wow God how did you come up with such a beautiful person? It was actually during study hall the other day and I got caught up in thought about people and how different we all are. All of our personalities and how different we all act, everyone has that at least one thing about them and is SO beautiful and God is going to use that beautiful thing for their future. I'm sorry if I'm not making sense here, people just amaze me. I've been kind of feeling like a nerd lately haha, but i'm okay with it. I'm sure none of this is making sense, it's the morning and I usually don't make sense in the morning haha! Anyways it's going to be a GREAT day today! I got my puppy snoring next to me and I'm lookin out the front window at a beautiful fall day! I'm excited for what God has for me today.
p.s. i've memorized this song and i was singing it in my head during my race the other day and it got me through my race, so give it a listen!
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