I wish more people believed this. I wish I believed it. This has been a secret personal struggle of mine for quite some time.. CONFIDENCE. It's actually a scary word for me. I feel like I look and act all confident on the outside, but on the inside the devil gets in my head and he makes me think I'm ugly. Sadly, I think this happens to most of us. Most days I just don't feel pretty or beautiful one bit. I want to crawl up back into bed and not even try. I compare myself with other girls, I think that is the root of the problem. Which is kind of a big problem, it's what you're not supposed to do. Because honestly what I have been learning these past weeks while God has really been working on me is that we are all SO BEAUTIFUL. I know that sounds really clique, but seriously. Why would God make something ugly? EVERYTHING He has made is PERFECT in His image. I mean like what is ugly about that? The world has such a twisted way of convincing people of what is pretty. Perfection and flawlessness=Pretty, and sadly I think they have convinced me and that is why I think of myself so lowly. But God has given me a Revelation sorta, whenever I look in the mirror, I kinda do this thing with myself where I point out one thing that I like about myself, it sounds kind of dorky.. well at least to me, but it has helped so much haha! I have this new confession for myself everyday and it really does help change your mind set.

You need to begin to understand your worth. You nee to understand you are a princess of the highest God. You need to grasp you are a Daddy's girl. You are not defined by the size of your boobs. You are not defined by the size of your butt. You are not defined by your clothes, hair, or how pretty your hair is. In fact, you were defined the moment Christ died at Calvary- a coheirs of Christ. You are not meant for abuse. You are not meant to feel ugly. You are not meant to feel little about yourself. You were meant to be beautiful, courageous, kind, and loving. You are meant to be fought for, forever. Grasp this, ladies, because God did not mess up His creation. Let me tell you something, you are more valuable than gold.
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