Regret, Faith, and Relationships
The 3 topics have been on my mind lately. Do you ever regret doing something like a lot and can't stop thinking about it? That's how I've been feeling, but I can't say that I really regret it, I guess I'm kind of confused right now. The phrase "wanting someone more just because you can't have them" this is definitely true. Have you ever wanted to be in a relationship really bad? Like really bad? I hope I'm not alone on that one.. I'm not desperate, hah I've just been really wanting a boyfriend lately. That's where the faith comes in, trusting in God. But it's been really hard for me lately. I honestly have been feeling like I'm talking to a wall the past couple days. Have you ever felt that way before?That sounds harsh, but I guess I'm just frustrated. These are just my feelings coming out here... I know God is listening, but I feel like He's not doing anything about it. Maybe it's not the right timing and my feelings are taking over my thoughts, which is annoying. Sometimes I just wish I could turn off my brain and not think for a while, but that's kind of like running away from your problems and I don't want to do that because I have to face them sometime. I'm just being real right now.. what 16 years old girl doesn't want a boyfriend, I mean come on haha! What else can I do than keep trusting in God to take care of things? Sometimes I just have to put my feelings aside and trust in God. That's what faith is. Or maybe I'm looking for someone to satisfy my heart and make me happy. But really that will only get me in trouble, just like it has in the past. I look for happiness and securities in boys and then get completely broken down after it's over. But when you seek happiness and securities in the Lord, He will NEVER fail you. "The only one who can truly satisfy the human heart is the One who created it." You have to put everything into God before you can put anything into a relationship. I'm talking to myself. There's a lot on my mind tonight.

Ohhh I love youuu :) The perfect guy is out there, you just waitt! He's gonnnna blow your socks offfff