Sunday, September 23, 2012


Okay SO. I've felt the prayers this weekend. I don't know who it is or where they're coming from, but I'm SO grateful. I felt joy this weekend SO so much joy. I feel like I've really been getting good at my job and getting close relationships with my wonderful coworkers! They are all so wonderful even though both of my favorite managers left within 2 weeks. I'm like are you kidding me? I really still can't believe it. I'm just so thankful that I got this job at the time that I did. I'm happy for the time that i was able to work with them. Ah it's crazy how much they touched my life in the short time I've known them! It's SO awesome. I'm making new friends guys! This is good (: and this weekend I had a lot of fun with my family. I really really really love my family, like literally I don't think you understand how cool I think all 4 of them are. Ugh I just LOVE THEM. I'm SO incredibly thankful for a mom and dad that truly care about my success in life and about who I am as a person. I'm so thankful that my dad sends me a new bible verse every morning so I can meditate on the word all day. I'm so thankful my mom sends me a "have a good day, i love you" text every single morning. I am SO incredibly thankful for my little sister, Sidney and how or friendship has grown over these past years. That little (well not so little anymore) girl has taught me so much. She is SO beautiful too. And then there's Lexi. You've all heard me talk about her a lot, I'm thankful for her because she always encourages me to keep going. I'm thankful that she has set such a good example for me and Sidney. Even though we hardly hear from her, in a way I'm kind of thankful for that.. because it tells me that she has moved on. Which is exactly what God wants for us. You have to let go sometime in your life and move on to bigger and better things and I'm SO happy she found a place where she's making friends and is expressing her faith and she's so happy there. It makes me happy. Ah I don't know why I just said all that, but I'm just so thankful and have SO much gratitude for these people. God's beauty was pretty intense this weekend as well like seriously ah SUCH beautiful fall weather we got! So in other words I guess you could say I'm thankful. That's all.

Please still keep me in your prayers, they honestly HONESTLY do help and I do feel them. I really need especially when I go back to school during the week that is where I struggle the most, it really does get tough when you have no one. And I want you to know, I pray for you as well. When I go to bed at night I lay there and go through my phone contacts and the names that stick out to me, I pray for. So PLEASE know that someone is praying for you. Someone does love you and someone does care about you.

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

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