Happy Saturday! This is weird I never blog in the morning, but this morning I just could not resist. It's SO beautiful and I woke up really happy and with a new perspective on life kinda. I might just be high on this weather and how beautiful it is, but either way I'm happy. So I kind of made a decision to not complain anymore, or try not to. So many things have been REALLY crappy for me lately it seems like EVERYTHING is going wrong and that God doesn't care, I know that's really bad to think, but that's just how I'm feeling. But I made a decision to not feel sorry for myself and not complain to people. I feel like that only gets me in a bad place. I've decided to be happy and content with the things that are good in my life. I think of my little girls in Mexico and how not so glamorous they have it there and it makes my life look like heaven. It kind of makes me really mad how selfish I've been lately. I have it really really good even if I realize it or not. I'm just so stinkin grateful for God's grace, it's the only reason why I'm here, honestly! I don't thank Him enough for that. Well I'm lookin' on the positive side this morning. I'm SO excited for fall and the leaves changing colors and fall fashion and football games and sooo much more! Last night got me so excited I was with great people at my first football game of the season and it was such a beautiful night. I'm SO incredibly grateful for my friend Madeline, we had such good chats last night at starbucks and the game! Without her.. yeah it wouldn't be good! Haha SO here's to a new season in my life with a new perspective! WHOOP it's exciting. But don't get me wrong it's not going to be easy.

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