So I feel like I talk about God's love a lot.. well how can I not? The more I read about it the more I am just speechless. Sometimes I feel like my words just mess everything up, ya know?
I'm going to take a stab at talking about the reality of God. Well there really is no reality. In this book, it says that our words cannot contain Him. Think about that. Our words aren't even close to being good enough for Him. There is NO WAY we can ever fathom who God is. He is so holy. Holy means "nothing and no one compare to Him." Do you ever feel like it's hard to love God? That sounds so bad, but really lets be honest. Why is it so hard for us to love and remember a God so wonderful? Shouldn't it be easy to love God? "When we love God because we feel we should love Him, instead of genuinely loving out of our true selves, we have forgotten who God really is."
It is ridiculous to think we have the right to limit God to something we are capable of comprehending.
God doesn't have to know us so well, but He does. Isn't it so comforting to worship a God who loves and cares for us so much? He is the real deal. He cares about us so much, and yet we don't have the consideration to worship Him on a regular basis. Our whole life should be based around Him. I guess I'm just a little frustrated with myself on how I kind of take God so lightly. There are no words to describe Him. Do you understand that? No words are good enough. It just blows my mind.
Sometimes I don't even know where to start with God. I kind of get overwhelmed with the idea of Him. But sometimes you just gotta sit there and admire you creator and usually that's enough. Just sit there and admire Him. Don't rush into His presence with with words. When you do that Sometimes I feel like I have to do all the talking when it comes to God. But really just sitting there in His presence is more that any words could ever start to say.
Just love Him guys.
Stop blowing Him off. Stop thinking your sin is too big. Stop thinking you're not good enough to talk to Him.
He created you, He already knows what's happening, Now just talk to Him about it. Stop holding back from him, you can't do it on your own, so don't. Just because it's hard and uncomfortable doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. God cares more than anyone in the world ever could.
He loves you.
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