Monday, December 10, 2012

Live Loved

So lately I've been waiting... Waiting on God. I haven't really been asking for anything. I wanted to just thank Him instead of asking Him. Doing that simple, but not so simple thing has opened my eyes to a lot of things.
Honestly I just haven't been feeling loved lately, I don't know why, I have just been feeling unloved unwanted, forgotten all those depressing things. So I went to God and He showed me something... HIS LOVE. And boy am I stupid, I AM LOVED.
Ever since a friend spoke in chapel this morning I have just been thinking about God's love constantly. Ah man God's LOVE. He made a good point, God's love has kind of been misunderstood and redefined in the wrong way we have lost the realness of it, we use the term "God loves you" so carelessly. You guys it is SO special and SO sacred. There is nothing like it. Why is it so easy for us to forget about God? It seems like so many people are stuck in depression, loneliness, sadness, regret, hurt, all of those things and really the ONLY thing we need is God. Why do we always forget Him? It's SO simple. Call on His name and He WILL answer. Try it, it will work, it's the ONLY thing that will work. The thing that gets me the most about His love is that we don't have to do anything, He loves us just because. Forget that He died for all humanity. Even if it was just one person.. just YOU. He still would have GLADLY done it. He loves us so much you guys, if only we could get our heads rapped around that.

God's love changes things.
Repent means change direction, not just feel bad about sin.
While you were still sinners I died for you.
If you're not loving Him well you don't need to try harder you need to believe that he loves you more.
And how do you do that? You keep gazing on Jesus because Jesus said you're so bad I had to die for you.
It robs you of your right to be proud, but it also says that I'm so loved that Jesus was GLAD to die for me.
That lifts us up and robs us of our right to be depressed.
We loved because He first loved us.

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