Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Meditating on these precious words tonight.
think about it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Feeling Guilty.

I've kind of been annoyed with myself lately. I'm just going to be straight up with you. I just want to be a better person. I feel guilty for being alive, is that bad? I think it is. I feel like I've been so selfish with all the stuff that I have. I complain too much, I don't love people enough. I get so annoyed with people so easily. I get mad at my parents and disrespect them when some kids don't even have a mom or dad. I complain about how I don't have enough room in my closet for all my clothes, like are you kidding me? some kids don't even have clothes! I complain about going to school and how I have to go and learn.. learn at this beautiful christian school. Some kids have brain damage whose dream would be to learn something. I complain about how my Internet isn't working or isn't fast enough.. I mean come on! Kids are homeless.. on the street with no where to go. Gahh the list goes on and on, I just am feeling so guilty tonight. I know that God blessed me with such a great house and the best family anyone could ever ask for and I am SO unbelievably grateful for that, but I still feel bad, I still feel guilty for it all. Why me? Why do I get all this, when other people have to suffer? Why did God choose me? I wish I could know the answer. I wish I could do something for everyone hurting, I can pray, but I want to do more! I suffered with depression and wanted to kill myself while other are so desperate and looking for a miracle to stay alive. I don't understand myself.. why do I complain? WHY? This is just on my mind tonight. God is good and I simply praise Him for all that I DO have. It's just on my heart.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Whatta B-E-A-utiful day to be alive! Wowzers, I woke up with joy today! And you wanna know what is super cool? I've been thinking about God none stop lately. I'm kind of obsessed with Him, I've just been constantly talking to Him and just in a cloud of thoughts about Him. Ah it's so cool. I'm pretty sure that if a non-bleliever comes across my blog and reads this they will think I'm crazy and wierd.. and I might be haha but I'm crazy in love with God. And feel free to ask me questions about God. I want everyone to have this feeling! I've been thinking about God's love a lot and how much He loves us. Not because of all the good or bad things we have done or not done, but simply because we are His child. He loves us unconditionally. Even the most messed up serial killer, He LOVES them more than you can imagine. Ughhh that's just unthinkable to me, I WANT to love like that. God is constantly blowing my mind, and I don't just say that like litterally He does. Haha sometimes I just sit in class and I look at someone and think wow God how did you come up with such a beautiful person? It was actually during study hall the other day and I got caught up in thought about people and how different we all are. All of our personalities and how different we all act, everyone has that at least one thing about them and is SO beautiful and God is going to use that beautiful thing for their future. I'm sorry if I'm not making sense here, people just amaze me. I've been kind of feeling like a nerd lately haha, but i'm okay with it. I'm sure none of this is making sense, it's the morning and I usually don't make sense in the morning haha! Anyways it's going to be a GREAT day today! I got my puppy snoring next to me and I'm lookin out the front window at a beautiful fall day! I'm excited for what God has for me today.
p.s. i've memorized this song and i was singing it in my head during my race the other day and it got me through my race, so give it a listen!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Just a quick little note!

I just have a little thought tonight.. I AM ALIVE. haha how cool is that? ughh man, life is such a gift! As Bruce Springsteen once said, "it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive" it sure isn't. Lately I've just been a little pumped about being alive!

Oh and if you haven't watched this.. watch it and share it with everyone you know.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I am high on the Holy Spirit.

Can you be high on the Holy Spirit? Haha because if you can I have been lately! SO i just want to write about what I have learned and realized about God this week. It's been crazy! So on Sunday at church Pastor Steve was talking about sin and this sermon kind of hit home for me. Just a few points he made that stood out to me was that 1) you can't take time off of God. I know He will ALWAYS be there to take you back and everything, but during that time that you're taking off from Him and His word, you are getting filled with the world and it's kind of like you're taking one step back. You're getting no where you have to constantly be committed to Him. 2)

The measure of our spiritual depth and maturity is not our sinlessness.
It is the amount of time between when we sin an when we humbly confess and repent.
Our greatest victory will always be God's victory of grace over our great sin through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Okay then another thing.. I've been meditating on Matthew 10:29-42 in the message Bible.
It's called "Forget About Yourself" this was kind of convicting, but I really think everyone should read it and study it, seriously! Ahh I got so pumped up on these verses the other day. It was so great. SO READ IT!!

Last thing. Last night was another one of those nights when I just got filled with God, just in my room. I was watching this video, I think I've watched it about 20 times now ha. This guy is seriously someone I look up to so much and I don't even know him. His testimony is incredible, it's so cool how he is so real about God, he doesn't sugar coat it for people. Ugh this organization is SO amazing. Come and Live.
These people are worshiping me for one reason. They lift there hands and they worship Jesus because he IS no MORE no LESS just because he exists.

If you ever get the chance to speak the name of Jesus, DO IT.

Hosea 6:6
I'm after love that lasts, no more religion.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

listen to this song!

I had a really good day today! I have been meditating on this song  A LOT lately. I hope you find a time to get quiet with God and listen to it. I encourage it.. it helps if you're goin through something tough. God is ALWAYS there. Just remember that. And I kinda feel like I just need to say that I'm here too, if you're hurting really bad and just need somone, I would LOVE to help you.  Seriously.. you know where to find me.. whoever you are! Haha

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just somethin' that makes me smile. (:

I just got a little flash back today.. of when i was a little baby/toddler haha this is so random, but it made me smile (: my family always used to dance, like all the time. My mom would always hold me and dance with me, even if we were just swaying back and forth. I was watching home videos the other day and my dad got it on tape one time, it's such a special thing to me! I always look back to all those memories and just smile. This song in particular it always makes me remember my mom holding me when I was just a little girl and swaying back and forth. This may be cheesy, haha but really I am so blessed to have those memories! That just made me smile today! .