Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I am high on the Holy Spirit.

Can you be high on the Holy Spirit? Haha because if you can I have been lately! SO i just want to write about what I have learned and realized about God this week. It's been crazy! So on Sunday at church Pastor Steve was talking about sin and this sermon kind of hit home for me. Just a few points he made that stood out to me was that 1) you can't take time off of God. I know He will ALWAYS be there to take you back and everything, but during that time that you're taking off from Him and His word, you are getting filled with the world and it's kind of like you're taking one step back. You're getting no where you have to constantly be committed to Him. 2)

The measure of our spiritual depth and maturity is not our sinlessness.
It is the amount of time between when we sin an when we humbly confess and repent.
Our greatest victory will always be God's victory of grace over our great sin through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Okay then another thing.. I've been meditating on Matthew 10:29-42 in the message Bible.
It's called "Forget About Yourself" this was kind of convicting, but I really think everyone should read it and study it, seriously! Ahh I got so pumped up on these verses the other day. It was so great. SO READ IT!!

Last thing. Last night was another one of those nights when I just got filled with God, just in my room. I was watching this video, I think I've watched it about 20 times now ha. This guy is seriously someone I look up to so much and I don't even know him. His testimony is incredible, it's so cool how he is so real about God, he doesn't sugar coat it for people. Ugh this organization is SO amazing. Come and Live.
These people are worshiping me for one reason. They lift there hands and they worship Jesus because he IS no MORE no LESS just because he exists.

If you ever get the chance to speak the name of Jesus, DO IT.

Hosea 6:6
I'm after love that lasts, no more religion.

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