Sunday, December 2, 2012


So I'm in the word tonight, I'm opened up to John 16 and i recommend you read this. It talks about joy! Jesus gives an analogy...

21-23 “When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there’s no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out memory of the pain. The sadness you have right now is similar to that pain, but the coming joy is also similar. When I see you again, you’ll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you. You’ll no longer be so full of questions.

23-24 “This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!

So what this means to me is, that we are getting joy. It doesn't matter where you are in life, you can find joy, where ever you're at. You kind of have to go through the pain to get that joy. Could you imagine if life were just all good all the time and just joy joy joy 24/7? Yeah maybe for a while it would be fun, but with out pain and conquering something really tough you don't really have an accomplishment or that feeling of satisfaction, it feels so much better when you work through something and get the joy instead of just getting joy handed to you. The joy is a thousand times better when you work for it. I hope this is making sense. Just something I got out of this verse. I encourage you to read the chapter!
And also one more thing, I'm curious! What does joy mean to you? You can like actually write a comment or just think to yourself, but I really want to know! Is it being happy? Or feeling pretty or strong? Having a bunch of friends? All of the above? or Like the little things? and what little things? Just think about it! And once you got it. Tell God and ask Him to give you that joy that you're looking for.
I guess joy for me is the little things in life. Like when I'm in a good mood, or looking at God's beautiful creation, being in the presence of my family, feeling included and happy with friends, getting advice from my "hero's" in life and having deep talks with them, or finishing a really good run or workout, or getting a compliment, hugs from my mom, getting excited about God's word, when my sister comes home, feeling pretty, getting butterflies from a boy, putting a really cool outfit together, when people laugh at me, getting a hard concept in math, recognizing God's love for me.. seriously the list goes on and on and on... I could just be happy sitting on a path and staring at a tree for hours haha. I'm weird like that. But it's weird because I have so many things that give me joy, but my joy is so easily destroyed. I really really want a joy that God is talking about in John 16. And I'm praying for it.

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