Saturday, December 1, 2012


Alright guys it's just one of those nights where i need to write. i tried sleeping and that just didn't work. I gotta write about my incredible friends, yah i said FRIENDS. i have FRIENDS. haha

ah man i've been praying for friends like these, i really have and i got them. straight up got them from God. and they happen to be in the same family. imagine that hah, you guessed it Madeline and Monica. Oh my heavenly days, these girls, i really don't know what it is about them, but there's just something special. They're those kind of friends that you know they'll be there forever. It's funny how they do it, you could be having thee worst day or be in the worst mood, and they could just say one word or give you that look haha and you would be instantly better and laugh so hard your tummy hurts. They're the kind of friends who make you want to be a better person. They're the most encouraging girls EVER. I just can't say enough about them, i hope you're getting the point. Even though you may not care about my friendship status whatsoever, i just had to write about them. I got to be with them the whole weekend, and it was just a treat, i love there hearts. I think that's what I like about them the most maybe, I don't know I can't decide. hah but just listening to them and having heart to hearts with them, it's cool to hear there thoughts and just the little things. And they demonstrate to me how much God cares. I don't know if that makes sense, but God cares about me so much, so He sent them to me or something hah I don't know, this friendship just has God written all over it! And it shows how beautiful God's heart is. Like it may take a while to see God work. But He will work. It's just on his time because He knows what's best, and it can be so hard to wait, but it's SO worth it guys. It's a great thing to call these girls my best friends. Mhmm!

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