Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trees and Just Plain Amazement.

This tittle might sound weird to you haha. But it pretty much describes my day actually! It started off with me waking up. PRAISE the Lord for that. Mmm and I was actually excited to get up for some reason? It was cool how God gave me that joy. We left a little earlier this morning to go to "see you at the pole" at school. This was just like the ultimate kick start to my day, I seriously wish we could do that every morning. It meant a lot to me, it just really did! It was such an honor to able to do that ahh it just seriously made my day so great hah I don't know how else to say it! I was simply amazed at God. Then at cross country practice today, we went on a 4 mile run. I got to run with just the girls today which was nice, I sure do love those girls a whole lot! It was one of those runs where I felt like I could run forever and ever and I wouldn't have to stop. I actually enjoyed it today! Normally I just enjoy the benefits of finishing my run. But today I got to enjoy all of it. I really love how we all push each other and yeah ahh I just really enjoyed that run today! Oh and another thing. Trees. Haha okay it's like super weird, but trees are kind of like a huge interest of mine. I seriously could just sit there and look at a tree for a long time. I'm really weird like that I guess. Hah but today the trees were exceptionally jaw dropping ridiculously breath takingly beautiful. Ha seriously. I LOVE all the detail that God puts into them! I LOVE all the colors and I just recognize all the thought God put into each and every tree in the world. It blows my mind to think about. Trees just fascinate me what can I say? And today while I was driving home, I smiled SO SO big and I didn't even know what to do with myself and I just kinda laughed to myself because I think God made them extra pretty for me today maybe? like they were INCREDIBLE. hah I don't know am I crazy for thinking that? I probably sound like a super weird kid or something haha I'm NOT a tree hugger or anything like that haha seriously I'm not! A dream of mine would be to sit on a really high cliff all by myself with God and just sit there and look at all the trees and creation. It simply amazes me and I could look at it for hours and hours. I'm seriously just getting so pumped up about this right now! haha okay well I hope you had a good day and the next tree you see just look at it and smile or something. haha


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